+31 (0) 570 74 54 30 info@v-tron.eu


Cooperative ITS Corridor

Objectives of Smart Forward

The C-ITS Corridor project is a partnership of road operators in the Netherlands, Germany and Austria. Together with industrial partners, the road authorities are working to introduce C-ITS services in Europe. The project has become an important building block for other international initiatives, contributing to standardisation, harmonisation and implementation of new cross-border services for international road users.

Wim Vossebelt in the book ‘Smart Forward’:”This is not about technology, an excuse often used. It is more about traditional market conditions, market players and governments clashing. That is the most difficult challenge! Finally, I really believe that international coordination is crucial, it cannot be done at country level.”

Project approach

The Netherlands has adopted a step-by-step approach to the InterCor pilots, building on the work already carried out in the C-ITS Corridor project and other national projects.

The pilot activities can be seen as a process that grows from the first trials of ITS-G5 communication in 2016 to full pilot operation with all services with cellular and ITS-G5 communication in 2018/2019.The pilot activities can be seen as a process that grows from initial trials of ITS-G5 communication in 2016 to a full pilot operation with all services with cellular and ITS-G5 communication in 2018/2019. In this step-by-step approach, additional services were gradually added over time.

This approach also allowed adapting to changes in (international) system specifications during the first years of the InterCor project and working in a “learning-by-doing” manner.

Contact V-tron:

Wim Vossebelt

Project leader V-tron

T: +31 (0) 570 74 54 30


E: info@v-tron.eu

Results achieved

The C-ITS corridor project has completed the third phase of the project. The pilot operations.

An interesting booklet has been written about this phase: Smart Forward. Through the link you can read this book.

It discusses the different test moments of the last 7 years. It describes the lessons learned (over 400 in total).

In the book, Wim Vossebelt states on behalf of V-tron: “Understanding each other’s field, working together towards a common goal. This is not just the domain of the OEM or the road manager or the….

No, this project has shown that this transcends the traditional pillars. The biggest payoff for V-tron is without a doubt the knowledge we gained in terms of integral collaboration, with parties we would not normally have as clients. This was really an opportunity for us to learn and gain insight into the challenges ahead.


Wim Vossebelt: “For V-tron, the challenges are endless. However, the biggest challenge is to keep the Dutch fleet, consisting of newer and older vehicles, at a relatively equivalent level. In our vision, drivers will still play an important role, but how will we support that role in such a way that we can help prevent errors? Even when older vehicles are involved!

In addition to the fact that road accidents cause human suffering, there is a loss of fourteen billion euros per year. An unacceptable situation! The biggest challenge is to develop valuable services that drivers can understand and use.

Project planning:

Project Smart Forward has been co-financed by the European Union through ‘Connecting Europe Facility’

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