ZOOF is the app for iPhone and Android phones that advises you, the road user, on the optimal driving speed, action at merge and exit lanes and on following distance after traffic jams. By following this advice, you score points (ZOOFies), which you can exchange for fun rewards from ZOOF’s partners. Currently, ZOOF can be used on the A58 and A67, from Tilburg to Eindhoven and Venlo.
ZOOF is a product that emerged from a collaboration between the regional government body BBZOB (Beter Benutten Zuid-Oost Brabant), SRE (Samenwerkingsverband Regio Eindhoven), the Province of North Brabant and V-tron. Together, government and industry are working to improve traffic flow on Dutch motorways. Within the projects Brabant InCar III and Spookfiles A58, ZOOF is carrying out tests on the A58 and A67 aimed at improving traffic flow on behalf of the government.
You can participate in these trials! ZOOF is available to download from theGoogle Play Store and Apple AppStore. Register via the app, start the route and score ZOOFies!

Traffic jam

lane advice

Maximum speed

Warning! Accident

ZOOF C-ITS (Cooperative-Intelligent Transport Systems) is the app that advises road users on optimal driving speed, lane availability and potential hazards on the road.
The ZOOF C-ITS app is still in the development phase. The app has been extensively tested on the A16 between Rotterdam and Dordrecht and on the Reims ring road in France. This as part of the European InterCor project.
With ZOOF C-ITS, a WiFi-P G5 connection is established with the roadside and passing vehicles via an OBU (on board unit). In this way, personalised advice is provided regarding the situation at hand.
That’s ZOOF: driving smart together.
ZOOF C-ITS is a product resulting from the project
SpookFiles A58 project and was further developed in this form
by GetHooked and V-tron. More information on this project can be found on the SpookfilesA58 site.
Do you often drive along the A16 and would you like to drive around with innovative technologies in your car? Request the BETA version of the ZOOF C-ITS App via the link below.

Traffic jam

Bad road

Warning! Accident

Bad weather


Animal(s) present on the road

Human(s) present on the road

ZOOF GLOSA (Green Light Optimised Speed Advice) is the app that advises inner-city road users on optimal driving speed, lane availability, potential road hazards and time to green. This version of ZOOF is still in the development phase. The app has been extensively tested by V-tron in downtown Helmond during the Pre-Test-Fest GLOSA in June 2018. Further testing will be carried out by V-tron in cooperation with the ITS Corridor project team in England during the Test-Fest Glosa in October 2018. This as part of the European InterCor project.
With ZOOF GLOSA, a connection is set up via an OBU (on board unit) to WiFi-P G5 and the 4G/LTE network that communicates with the iVRi’s (intelligent traffic control systems) along the road and passing vehicles. In this way, personalised advice is given on the current situation, such as the traffic light will turn green in five seconds. That’s ZOOF: driving smart together.
ZOOF GLOSA is a product resulting from the European InterCor project. More information on this project can be found on the InterCor site.

Speed advice

Maximum speed

Time to green

lane advice

ZOOF is, as mentioned above, in the development phase. At this moment, ZOOF consists of three separate services. These services are available at various locations throughout Europe.
In the coming months, ZOOF will be further developed and merged into a single service that supports you as a road user. In this way, V-tron C-ITS makes services accessible to you. That is ZOOF: smart driving together.