Mobility keeps your business moving
Mobility involves at least two of your key production assets: your peolple and your vehicles.
Connected Car V-tron’s software ensures that you maintain a 24/7 overview of the status of your vehicle fleet and its movements. A safe feeling for your drivers, who know they can always count on you during their work.
V-tron is an innovative company that specializes in developing and marketing hardware and software to improve mobility. Connected Car is our product that gives you full insight into all relevant data of your objects (car, van, truck, trailer, motorcycle, boat, electric cargo bike, e-bike, etc.). This allows you to see in real time who is driving an object, where it is, what its speed is and whether the temperature of the conditioned space is still correct.
With Connected Car you save money and time and can optimally manage and control your logistics processes. Increased deployment efficiency leads to greater productivity. With the information from our software, you can have conversations with your drivers about issues such as vehicle utilization or reducing fuel consumption. Our tax module simplifies filing returns. Our alarm monitoring system also gives your drivers on the road that extra sense of security of being connected to their own company.
Scroll down for an overview of all features or contact us.
Scroll down for an overview of all functionalities or contact us.
Expand your fleet management step-by-step
V-tron’s product line has a logical structure that allows you to build your fleet management as you see fit and need. With our main product Connected Car you create insight into the who, what, where and when of your vehicles. The additional module Driver Safety inform you about how your vehicles are used by your drivers. With our special module Carsharing you easily deploy your existing fleet more efficiently so that you need fewer vehicles but still offer optimal mobility.

Live view of all your vehicles
Various ride reports
Private | Business | Home-Work registration
Personal registration
Remote start blocking

Ask about our installation service
Our experienced technicians build in the hardware for you, arrange the connection and set up the software. This can be done in our workshop, at your premises or at another location of your choice.

Our software can be set up to make certain (or all) information visible per authorised user.
Nice if you deploy the software broadly, but the logistics manager only needs to see the trucks, while your overall manager needs visibility into all vehicles. This way, employees are not distracted by information that is not essential to them, while an overall comparison at branch or company level remains possible.

Our software can be used for the mandatory CO2 reporting that will apply to companies with more than 100 employees from next year.
By trip, emissions can be tracked per object, making it easy to report business and private emissions. Even for smaller companies, this feature is useful for corporate social responsibility and making mobility more sustainable.

Our software can be set to notify each object based on the actual distance travelled when it is due for maintenance.
This can include the manufacturer’s intervals, or your own settings, as a guide. This is useful because regular maintenance leads to less unplanned downtime and thus higher productivity.

Connected Car is capable of notifying the desired recipient by email or text message in case of an accident involving your vehicle.
Our special G-sensor measures G-forces applied. In case of a (too) high G-force, a crash notification is sent so that help can be called as soon as possible. This feature gives your employees that extra assurance of quick help and attention.

With additional hardware, Connected Car can monitor the tyre pressure of your vehicles.
This is safer for employees and saves fuel. Tyres that are too soft lead to extra wear and tear, higher consumption and different driving behaviour. The tyre pressure sensor constantly monitors the pressure of the tyres and this can be displayed in the report. Of course, you can also set it up to receive a signal in case of deviations.

Connected Car can monitor when a vehicle door or tailgate is opened.
Useful for courier services, for example. You can prove that at the customer’s doorstep the vehicle has been disembarked. Or for companies where several employees get in and out at unconventional locations such as contractors picking up and bringing employees home. The feature monitors every open/close action of doors and tailgates.

Connected Car can be set up so that drivers can only access their own trips, even if it takes place on different vehicles.
Useful for driving behaviour awareness, but also for tax returns. They will then not see their colleagues’ data (AVG-proof). Make your drivers aware of their driving behaviour, planning and other issues your company considers important. Our separate fiscal module simplifies your tax returns.

Connected Car can easily be used to run a conclusive tax report and submit it to the Inland Revenue.
This report complies with tax requirements. The report can be made per vehicle. This makes it easy to calculate the additional taxable benefit – or, conversely, to avoid it if no private journeys are made – without additional administration.

Connected Car can be set up to create periodic reports.
You can set up these automatic reports yourself and determine their content. You can choose one or more vehicles, one or more drivers, certain region(s) etc.. For example, you can view journeys made every week or view journeys outside working hours. Useful for inspection, checks or discussions.

Based on time and GPS signal, Connected Car can not only follow your vehicle, but also warn you if it crosses a pre-set ‘border’.
You will be alerted via email or SMS if, for example, the national border is crossed, an environmental zone is entered or a vehicle is taken from a business park. All movements outside set times or zones are alerted. Also useful in case of theft.

In Connected Car, vehicles can be grouped by type, function, use or any other choice and then clearly displayed with a colour in Live View.
Nice if you have passenger cars, vans and trucks in your fleet, for example. Not every vehicle can then be used for every transport, but you can still quickly send the nearest suitable vehicle to a customer.

Connected Car allows you to run a report at any time of your choosing, over a time period of your choosing.
Here you can define the parameters and the desired time period. You can choose one or more vehicles (or by type of vehicle) or one or more drivers, a certain region and so on. Always useful for inspection, checks or in case of discussions.

Connected Car makes it possible to view all trips taken per driver per day per vehicle.
Multiple drivers on a vehicle is therefore not a problem. Tax addition can be avoided by keeping track of private journeys. This is facilitated by adding the private/business switch (P/Z) on the dashboard. Our separate tax module makes filing tax returns very easy.

Connected Car allows you to read back a vehicle’s speed afterwards.
Nice to have a conversation with your driver about safe and responsible traffic behaviour, for example. If you regularly receive fines for speeding, this feature can also work preventively with drivers who know they are ‘seen’. Our latest software compares the speed driven with the speed permitted on the spot.

Connected Car makes it possible to be warned in time of the reduced ‘health’ of an object’s battery (car, van, truck, trailer, motorbike, boat, electric cargo bike, e-bike etc.).
You will receive an email or text message notifying you of the problem, so that your driver does not face unplanned downtime due to a flat battery. This feature continuously monitors your battery.

Connected Car allows you to read the current speed of a vehicle.
This feature can be useful, for example, to engage in a conversation with your driver about safe and responsible traffic behaviour. If you regularly receive fines for speeding, this feature can also be preventive for drivers who know they are ‘seen’. Our latest software compares the speed driven with the speed allowed on the spot.

Our service also offers the possibility of attaching an additional battery to our systems so that the system continues to send signals for several days after disconnection even if the on-board voltage fails or the vehicle is stolen.
In this way, even when the battery is disconnected by a third party, our location tracker remains active for several days, making objects at home and abroad faster to trace.

Our systems can be activated with the tags we supply, as well as with tags or identity cards used in your company for other purposes, such as opening doors or logging into systems.
Our special software reads only the necessary characters from the (RF)iD key for individual reports.
Our special software reads only the necessary characters of the (RF)iD key for individual reports. A separate tag for the vehicle is then no longer needed this way.

Connected Car enables live tracking of your vehicles.
Nice if, for example, you have a courier company and want to call the nearest driver for an urgent job. Quick communication, fast service, happy customers. You can also quickly see where your employee is in an emergency so that help can be provided quickly. Safer for your employees during their work.

Connected Car allows you to monitor your vehicles closely. Not as ‘Big Brother’, but to make your drivers feel safe and reduce the administrative burden.
On the V-tron platform, you will see the most recent location of your vehicle. The object’s position is updated every minute (the page every 20 seconds). Should your object be in motion, it will be displayed here.
Our track&trace systems can be equipped with the panic button that the driver of the vehicle can use in an emergency.
The panic button notification can be sent, via email or text message, to any recipient so that help can be called as soon as possible. Installing a panic button is quick and can give your employee just that extra sense of security.

Fixed landmarks can be included in Connected Car, such as your own branch(s) or address(es) of special branch relation(s).
If a vehicle is near a POI, you can recognise it on the Live View. Useful feature if several fixed locations need to be visited regularly. Of course, stopping at POIs, including the driver-of-duty can also be included in a report.

Using a private/business switch (P/B) on the dashboard, it is possible to record for each trip whether it is business or private in nature.
By making this choice already in the vehicle, it does not have to be processed in the administration afterwards. You can easily split the trips per vehicle, per driver, per day according to usage. Useful for tax returns (see tax reports) of company and employees.

Connected Car can also record trips outside working hours.
So you can easily set fixed times for work trips and times for non-business trips – e.g. from 19:00-6:00 and/or at weekends – per vehicle. Useful for engaging with drivers if objects are used extremely much outside working hours. With our tax module and the P/Z button, you can assist your employees with tax returns.

Connected Car can monitor whether a vehicle’s engine keeps running unnecessarily while the object is not moving.
Handy to engage with your driver about reducing fuel consumption. On the basis of a report, you can detec- tiate excessive behaviour (cost/wear). Combined with door open/close detection, you reduce unnecessary risk of theft, as no one is present in the object but the engine is running.

Our systems can use a sensor to monitor the temperature in certain areas within the vehicle.
Nice if you perform conditioned transport that needs to be transported at a predetermined temperature. The temperature sensor constantly monitors the temperature and this can be displayed in the report. Of course, you can also set it up to receive a signal in case of deviations.

Connected Car can monitor where stops are made.
If you have fixed stop points where regular stops are required, you can record them in the software. This way, it is easy to see whether an object (car, van, truck, trailer, etc.) has made all the ‘stops’, for example, in the case of a fixed route. This function can prevent subsequent discussions with customers or employees.