More efficient use of your fleet
By providing your vehicles to all your employees, they will have easy and quick access to temporary transportation. This allows your fleet to be smaller, resulting in savings on investments and fixed costs.
Reserving a vehicle through Carsharing is simple. An employee can reserve a vehicle and pick it up at the agreed time and place. Access to the vehicle can be done using a special reservation card (chipcard) or a smartphone. After use, the vehicle can be returned and logged off using the reservation card or smartphone.
V-tron’s Carsharing reservation and management system simplifies administration. It provides clear insight into the usage of the vehicles, including who, when, where, and how. The software also allows real-time monitoring of factors such as driving behavior, fuel consumption, fuel level, and vehicle location.
Scroll down for an overview of all the functionalities or get in contact with us using the link provided.
Expand your fleet management step by step
V-tron’s product line has a logical structure that allows you to build your fleet management as you see fit. With our main product Connected Car, you create insight into the who, what, where and when of your vehicles. The additional module Driver Safety informs you about how your vehicles are used by your drivers. With our special module Carsharing, you easily deploy your existing fleet more efficiently so that you need fewer vehicles but still offer optimal mobility.

On Board Unit (OBU)
Card readerRFiD-Reader)
QR-code for smartphone
Personal ID-card
Reservation App

Also ask about our fitting service
Our experienced technicians build in the hardware for you, arrange the connection and set up the software. This can be done in our workshop, at your premises or at another location of your choice.
The functions of Carsharing:

With an RFiD reader mounted on the windscreen, the car can be locked or unlocked when the customer holds an active reservation card in front of the reader.
Alle (rit)informatie zoals kilometerstanden worden realtime verstuurd naar het Carsharing online managementsysteem.

Naast de RFiD-lezer bestaat ook de optie om met een smartphone de auto te openen.
This works via a QR code on the vehicle windscreen. Due to the user-density of smartphones, this option is very suitable for business vehicles and vehicles with limited running time, i.e. installation and removal costs.

Non-communication functionaliteit
Ook in gebieden waar geen GSM-dekking is, kan V-tron’s Carsharing systeem klanten blijven identificeren.
This can be especially important for companies that park their vehicles in an underground car park or in remote areas. Needless to say, this feature simplifies operation.

Through the integrated web application, Carsharing can be used for pre-ordered reservations as well as spontaneous reservations.

In Carsharing, one or more Master keycards can be used for operational staff, for example for vehicle retrieval.

Realtime tracking
In case of a security issue, Carsharing can provide real-time tracking and report an up-to-date status of the vehicle.

Carsharing kan realtime een groot aantal waarschuwingen voor rijgedrag geven.
Dit zijn instelbare functies en omvatten:
- (Te hoge) snelheid
- Waarschuwing (te) lang stationair
- Plotselinge versnelling / vertraging
- Sudden change of direction (sharp/dangerous turn)

Opdrachten op afstand
Carsharing can receive automatic or manual commands. Commands and notifications that are possible:
- Waarschuwing lage spanning batterij
- Brandstof status
- Deur status (open/gesloten),
- vergrendelen/ontgrendelen deur
- Activeren/deactiveren startonderbreker
- Claxon van de auto

Carsharing can easily be programmed to deliver various security alerts, such as:
- Hoofdschakelaar losgekoppeld van unit
- Contact-status
- Immobilisatie-status
- Sleepdetectie
- Deurstatus open / dicht, vergrendeld / ontgrendeld

Brandstofniveau meting
When using Fuel Sensor, the fuel status of the vehicle can be measured. This option is available for any fuel cards, e.g. MTC, TC or Shell.

Verborgen installatie
The small size of the built-in unit allows it to be installed deep inside the feed rig. This prevents discovery and sabotage.

Back-up batterij
The built-in unit has an optional backup battery, which keeps status and life tracking reports even when the unit is switched off. This is especially useful in case of theft.

In case the vehicle goes outside a defined zone, an alarm is immediately triggered.

Impact-Sensor, instant alerts via SMS or email of any impact greater than 8G (frontal) or 3G (side).

Carsharing is aware of its reservation status and may issue warnings in case of unauthorised use.

Inloggen geheugen
When mobile coverage is unreliable or absent, the system’s memory can remember up to 2256 messages (30 days of usage). This data will be transmitted immediately when coverage is resumed. Logged events are stored indefinitely, even in case of failure of both primary and backup power sources.